Solar Sun Jar


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As children we all wished we could collect sunshine like a warm cuddle, and now our kids thanks to this nifty little Solar Sun Jar can almost literally do that. Want to know how to bottle sunshine?

All you need is a Sun Jar!

Get ready to be the coolest – or hottest! – grownup on the block when you teach the kids in your life how to capture sunlight in a mason jar.

All you need is a few hours plus a sunny window or patch of outdoor space, and the solar cell, rechargeable battery, and LED lamp inside the Sun Jar’s mason jar will do the rest. When the jar is placed in sunlight, the solar cell creates an electric current that charges the battery. This energy is then used to power the LED lamp inside the jar. The frosted jar diffuses the light, creating the appearance of sunshine.

These beautiful jars work best in direct sunlight and are watertight, so they can happily be left outside whatever the weather. A built-in light sensor automatically activates the jar when it gets dark outside or when the lights are turned off, making the Sun Jar a perfect garden light or nightlight for a child’s bedroom. There’s also an override switch inside the lid to turn the light on or off whenever you prefer.

Endless sunshine… How cool is that?